United We Read- 2024 Campaign

May 9, 2024

Spreading Literacy, Fostering Unity: Reflecting on the 2024 ‘United We Read’ Campaign”

May 9, 2024

Stroudsburg, PA- As we wrap up the 2024 “United We Read” initiative, we’re buzzing with excitement about the incredible impact we’ve had on promoting literacy and celebrating diversity among the youth in the Poconos! Our mission to build diverse home libraries for children has been a roaring success, nurturing their growth and championing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). With free books featuring characters, authors, and illustrators from all walks of life, we’re ensuring that every child sees themselves reflected in the stories they read.

During the “Read Across America” campaign, we teamed up with remarkable community partners like Senator Rosemary Brown, Representative Tarah Probst, Representative Maureen Madden, and Nurse Family Partnerships. Together, we witnessed firsthand the magical power of storytelling in fostering inclusivity and empowering children to become change-makers in their communities.

But our journey doesn’t end here! The success of our initiatives relies on your continued support in funding, awareness, and volunteer engagement. While our focus has primarily been on children’s literacy, we’re ready to broaden our horizons.

Huge shoutout to our amazing partners like Tom Campbell and Author Elizabeth Wein from Gatland Books, who generously donated Young Adult books to our cause! (“American Wings: Chicago’s Pioneering Black Aviators and the Race for Equality in the Sky”, “Black Dove White Raven”, “Flygirl”, “Code Name Verity”, “Rose Under Fire”, “The Pearl Thief”, and “The Enigma Game”.) These captivating reads, handpicked by Elizabeth herself, are perfect for immersing oneself into, curling up on the corner of the sofa and blocking out the outside world.

Tom Campbell stated that “Her books are really good for inspiring middle schoolers and early high schoolers to see potential in themselves beyond just what the world presents to them through social media and TV. “

To keep the momentum going and expand our impact, we need YOU! Whether you’re keen on volunteering to read with children, donating books, or spreading the word through our awareness campaigns, every little bit counts.

Together, let’s continue to ignite a passion for reading, empower our youth, and create a community where diversity shines brightly. For more information on how you can jump on board, reach out to Roxanne Powell, our incredible Manager of Community Impact, at 570.517.3958 or

And hey, don’t forget to explore all the exciting resources we have available, from finding the nearest library to checking out our Reading Calendar!

Together, more than ever, let’s harness the incredible power of literacy and unity through “United We Read.”

Senator Rosemary Brown reading to children.

Senator Rosemary Brown reading to children.

Roxanne Powell, Manager of Community Impact reading to children.

Roxanne Powell, Manager of Community Impact reading to children.

Representative Tarah Probst reading to children.

Representative Tarah Probst reading to children.

Latisha Griffith, Representative Maureen Madden’s legislative assistant reading to the class.

One of our younger readers excited to see bilingual books to take home!

Our readers enjoying book boats!

This mom was so excited to take this book home to read to her son about Black women in the 1940s who worked for NASA!