November 22, 2023


As you may already know, Tuesday, Nov. 28 is GivingTuesday, one of the most important days of the year for PMUW. Dollars raised during the 24 hours of generosity aid PMUW in our efforts to ensure that essential resources are available to residents in need in the Pocono region. 44% of families struggle to meet their basic needs and the problem is growing.

To add to the excitement, Monday, Nov. 27 is Stock Monday!  You can make the most of your end-of-year donations while making a big impact and saving money in the process!

Did you know that donating stock is one of the smartest ways to give – and it benefits YOU while supporting PMUW?

Here’s why:

You can save on taxes: When you donate your appreciated assets (stock), you avoid paying capital gains tax.  If you itemize deductions, you can also take a charitable deduction for the entire donation amount.
Now is the perfect time to donate: For your gift to be eligible for your 2023 tax return, you must give by December 31, 2023.

Jumpstart your end-of-year giving by celebrating Stock Monday – and maximize your impact in the Pocono Mountains while minimizing your tax burden.

Your stock gift can help ensure that families can meet their basic needs, that children are ready for school, and that people are equipped with skills to build a better life.