March 14, 2025
Thirteen Generation Next students from Pocono Mountain West High School toured Penn State University in February. Students heard presentations by admissions staff, participated in a student panel Q&A discussion, and then went on a walking tour of the campus and of course, no tour of PSU is complete without ice cream from their famous Penn State Berkey Creamery!
After attending the trip, 8 students are considering applying to PSU because they loved the ‘vibe of the community’ and how much there is to get involved with. One Junior said, “I felt as though PSU was the right college for me. From the habitat to the buildings, I see myself attending this university for my college experience. I always felt a passion for this school and visiting the college secured my decision.”
We’re so excited to see the minds of our students expanding with a future full of opportunity!!
For more information on the Generation Next Program, contact