Day of Caring 2017

United Way of Monroe County held its 20th Annual Day of Caring on Thursday, September 14th, with nearly 200 individuals from the community and from local businesses volunteering to support local non-profit projects across Monroe County. Thank you all for your service! You make our community a better place.

Non-profits that benefited from the day included Brodhead Watershed Association, Center for Vision Loss, Boy Scouts, Minsi Trails Council, Monroe County Area Agency on Aging, Monroe County Meals on Wheels, Pocono Family YMCA, Pocono Services for Families and Children, Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network, Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm, Spruce Lake, United Way of Monroe County, VALOR, and Women’s Resources of Monroe County.

Check out the great photos of this incredible day, demonstrating the generosity and passion of those in our community dedicated to giving back.

If you would like to get involved with a non-profit in our community, visit to access volunteer opportunities posted by dozens of non-profit organizations in our community. Search by interest, or filter by organization type, or simply scroll all the different opportunities posted by local non-profits.