Honoring Mom and Dad: A Legacy of Community and Giving

July 23, 2024

Honoring Mom and Dad: A Legacy of Community and Giving

By Tony Farda, The Ann & Joseph Farda Foundation


At The Ann & Joseph Farda Foundation, we believe that true philanthropy is more than just giving; it’s about demonstrating a deep, heartfelt commitment to our community. This belief is rooted in the values and actions of my parents, Ann and Joseph Farda, who dedicated their lives to making a positive impact on those around them. Today, I am honored to share their story and encourage others to continue their legacy of generosity and community involvement.

A Legacy of Love and Giving

Ann and Joseph Farda were extraordinary individuals who understood the power of giving. They believed that supporting one’s community was not just a duty, but a privilege. Their actions spoke louder than words as they contributed both their time and resources to numerous causes, always with the intent of making life better for others. Their generosity was not confined to financial donations; it extended to volunteering, mentoring, and actively participating in community-building activities.

The Heart of Our Community

Pocono Mountains United Way embodies the spirit of community and the values that Ann and Joseph cherished. This organization works tirelessly to address critical needs in our region, from education and financial stability to health and basic needs. Supporting the Pocono Mountains United Way means investing in the future of our community and ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Why We Give

The Ann & Joseph Farda Foundation proudly supports Pocono Mountains United Way because we see firsthand the positive impact they make. By aligning our efforts with theirs, we honor my parents’ legacy and continue their mission of giving back. Every dollar donated and every hour volunteered helps to create a stronger, healthier, and more vibrant community.

Encouraging Others to Give Back

I urge you to reflect on the values of Ann and Joseph Farda and consider how you, too, can make a difference. Philanthropy is not reserved for the few; it is a practice that everyone can partake in. Whether it’s through financial contributions, volunteering your time, or simply spreading the word about important causes, your actions can have a profound impact.

  1. Donate: Consider making a financial contribution to Pocono Mountains United Way. Your donation, no matter the size, helps fund vital programs that support those in need.
  2. Volunteer: Give your time to local initiatives. Volunteering not only benefits others but also enriches your own life with purpose and fulfillment.
  3. Advocate: Use your voice to advocate for causes you care about. By raising awareness, you can inspire others to take action and contribute.

Continuing the Legacy

Ann and Joseph Farda taught us that a community is only as strong as the commitment of its members. Let’s honor their memory by carrying forward their dedication to helping others. Together, we can build a community that reflects the generosity, compassion, and heart that Ann and Joseph exemplified.

Thank you for joining us in this important work. By giving back, we not only honor the legacy of those who came before us but also pave the way for a brighter future for all.

Warm regards,

Tony Farda
The Ann & Joseph Farda Foundation